Even though spring is a time for more showers than sunshine, that shouldn’t mean you don’t need to be prepared for the unexpected thunderstorms that could cause some dark times. Having the necessary items in your home is the first step to prevent unnecessary blackouts, and cope with those we can’t avoid. We are all reliant on electricity for daily comfort, and we can take steps to improve our thunderstorm preparedness.
Having backup electricity in your home is a preventative measure that any family should take. Electric generators can protect your home and family, save you money, and in the midst of a storm, can keep you in control. Be aware if there is a lightning strike to call for assistance and determine if the surge was limited to the area of impact. If so, you may need to get a panel reading of the breakers and you need to check all appliances and electronics. Don’t wait for the first storm of the year to hit before you make some changes.
Disaster Pro International of Cleveland, Ohio specializes in making sure you are safe during all of the unexpected weather conditions North East Ohio throws our way. During the summer months, possible mold build up is very common. Call Disaster Pro for a free assessment!
Websites such as Amazon offer affordable electric generators just in case you get caught in the dark!